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Julien Couvreur's programming blog and more

Back online at last!


After two months with my blog in a lethargic/frozen state, I finally set MovableType up again. It feels really good to be able to un-pile items/nuggets/ideas from my mind again :-)

This is my first occasion to wish everyone a happy new year!
But by now I should rather say a happy new Chinese year, since tomorrow is the first day of the year of the Monkey ;-)

The setup:
The server isn't at home anymore, I'm using a website hosting service (Pure Energy Systems' Blog Website Hosting). This service seems great so far, as the account was setup quickly and the server has everything needed for MovableType.
I did run into some problems though.

Some problems:
First, I tried to directly re-use my previous Berkeley DB directory on the new setup, but it wouldn't work. This is probably a problem with the Berkeley DB file version, not MovableType.

Second, when I first imported my exported entries into the new site, the post IDs where completely messed up, which means the permalinks don't match the original ones.
This is a known problem, encountered by Már Örlygsson (Howto: Future-proof URLs in Movable Type) and Charles Cook (Importing/Exporting Movable Type).
I opted for Charles' solution, which is to tweak the backup file by introducing bogus entries/drafts.
If you plan on moving your MT blog, you should at least do Charles' export script modification ahead of time (adds a blogid line to every post), to keep your options open.
Also, I thought of using the TypePad service from the MovableType team, but their url format has changed to something like /2004/01/progress_prompt.html, which would break my permalinks as well...

Update: The Learning Movable Type blog has a nice post on Moving your MT Blogs to a New Server or Web Host.



thanks to back online...

I have a question...

I saw on

that you made a Graffiti like application...

the problem is that I can't download it...

Please Help Me ! (because I 'm not expert with cvs)

I have tryed in cygwin :
cvs login

and send a blank password but I answer me :
Unknow host


Posted by: s.cls (February 3, 2004 02:12 AM) ______________________________________

CVS is down for now. I uploaded the file you're looking for at


Posted by: Dumky (February 3, 2004 10:18 AM)